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"Stand By Vessel."

Anchor Chanty.

BY CAPTAIN Q. C. A. CRAUFURD, R.N., honorary secretary of the Dungeness life-boat station.

" She therefore stood by the vessel until dawn."—Honorary Secretary's Report.

Oh it's stan' by vessel, Aye-hey stan' by vessel, An' there's nothin' to gain through the wind and the rain For it's stan' an' stan' by vessel.

Oh it's stan' by vessel, Oh-ho stan' by vessel, We gotten to ride all the night alongside For it's standin' an' standin' by vessel.

Oh it's stan' by vessel, Yea, then, it's stan' by vessel, So don' ye regret that ye're terrible wet For ye'll stan' an' ye'll stan' by vessel.

Oh it's stan' by vessel, Aye close by vessel, 'Tis a comfort to know we be 'andy an' so We be standin' an' standin' by vessel.

Oh it's stan' by vessel, Only stan' by vessel, An' wot would ye think of a cup o' hot drink While we're stan', standin' by vessel.

Oh it's stan' by vessel, By la-bour-in vessel, So lie within hail till she weather the gale, An' it's stan', sta-an' by vessel.

This chanty is the fifth of nine life-boat chanties by Captain Craufurd, which he has generously given to the Institution. They are published together in a book with coloured cover, price Gd., and can be had from the Institution. Branch honorary secretaries can obtain copies at a cheaper rate for sale on behalf of the branch funds..