News from the Branches. 1st November, 1934, to 31st January, 1935
1st November, 1934, to 31st January, 1935.
Greater London.
CHELSEA.—Annual meeting on 29th January, General Sir Walter Braithwaite, G.C.B., Governor of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea! patron of the branch, in the chair.
Speaker : Commander E. D. Drury, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R., chief inspector of life-boats.
Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day.
Amount collected in 1934 £278.
CLAPHAM. — Committee meeting.
Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution.
HAMMERSMITH.—Annual meeting on 22nd November. Amount collected in 1934 £97, an increase of £6 on 1933.
HORNSEY.—Whist drive, the Mayor presenting prizes. Bridge drive. Concert, with the help of the Ferme Park Social Guild. Lecture to Hornsey Methodist Sunday School.
ST. ALBANS.—Dance.
ST. PANCRAS.—Films shown to Camden Street Church by Mr. Leckie, assistant secretary of the branch.
TOOTING.—Poultry drive.
WALTHAMSTOW.—Concert, with address by the district organizing secretary.
WELLING.—First annual meeting on 7th November. Amount collected in 1934 £30.
WESTMINSTER.—Film Gala (see special report on page 424).
Lectures to Francis Holland Girls' School, Stanmore Park School, Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham Girls' School, and Mark XX Toe H., and at Brentford and Chiswick, East Ham, East Sheen, Greenwich, Kentish Town, Kingston, Lewisham, and Westminster.
North-West of England.
ACCRINGTON.—Annual meeting on 30th November, the Mayor, president, in the chair.
Speaker : Mr. John Campbell, Borough Treasurer and chairman of the branch.
Efforts of the past year : Life-boat day at Church, Clayton-le-Moors and Oswaldtwistle, Christmas gift and calendar tea, bridge drive, and cinema collections. Amount collected in 1934 £148, an increase of £48 on 1933.
Christmas gift and calendar tea, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE.—Annual meet- ing on 24th January. Amount collected in 1934 £24.BLACKPOOL.—Life-boat band's fiftieth anniversary celebration dinner. The bands- men were entertained by their president, Mr.
Hargreaves Bateson, "and amongst their number were six original members of the band : Messrs. H. Parr (coxswain), J. H. Parr (chairman), T. Bilsborough (treasurer), R.
Parr, W. Parkinson and R. Parkinson. The guests included the Mayor (Alderman G.
Whittaker), and the ex-Mayor (Alderman C. E. Tatham), honorary secretary of the branch.
BOLTON.—-Annual dinner dance and whist drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
BREDBURY.—Annual meeting on 26th November. Amount collected in 1934 £47, an increase of £13 on 1933. Mrs. E. Bailey and Mrs. J. Pemberton elected honorary secretary and honorary treasurer, respec- tively, in succession to Mrs. W. A. C.
Mountain and Mrs. S. A. Driver, resigned.
BURY.—Christmas effort.
CASTLETOWN.—Lantern lecture by Mr.
John Watson, of Colby, with collection.
DALTON - IN - FURNESS. — The branch has suffered a severe loss by the death of Mrs.
E. A. Layland, who had been its honorary secretary since 1930.
DOUGLAS.—Annual meeting on 15th December, Sir Montague Butler, K.C.S.I., Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Man and patron of the branch, in the chair. Among those present were Deemster Farrant, president of the branch, and Mr. W. Cunning- ham, chairman. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat day, collections on ships and in hotels, etc. Amount collected in 1934 £602, an increase of £29 on 1933.
DUKINFIELD.—Annual meeting on 15th November. Officers elected : President, the Mayoress ; vice-presidents, Mrs. Cooke and Mrs. Underwood ; honorary treasurer, Miss Shaw; joint honorary secretaries, Mrs. N.
Cooke and Miss Cooke. Amount collected in 1934 £23.
Annual whist drive and dance.
FLEETWOOD.—Annual meeting on 30th November. Speaker : Mr. J. Wood, chairman of the branch. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat day, collections at boat-house.
Amount collected in 1934 £601, an increase of £144 on 1933.
HEYWOOD.—Annual meeting on 15th November. Efforts of the past year : Life- boat day, whist drives, and collections in works. Amount collected in 1934 £44. Mrs.
Staines appointed honorary secretary in succession to Miss Jacques, resigned.
HORWICH.—Annual whist drive and dance.
HYDE. — Lantern lecture by Mrs. F.
Allsop, the honorary secretary.
KENDAL.—Annual meeting on 3rd De- cember. Amount collected in 1934 £103, an increase of £7 on 1933.
Annual whist and bridge drive.
KESWICK.—Annual meeting in Novem- ber, Mr. A. R. Thomson, chairman, presiding.
Amount collected in 1934 £31.
LAKE DISTRICT.—Life-boat lantern lec- ture by the head master at The Old College, Windermere.
LANCASTER.—Annual meeting on 27th November, the Mayor, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Efforts of the past year : Dramatic entertainment, including the life-boat play " Their Business in Great Waters," jumble sale, football collections, whist drive, cinema collections. Amount collected in 1934 £118.
LIVERPOOL.—Annual meeting of the Wallasey Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 5th November, the Mayor presiding, accom- panied by the Mayoress. Speaker: The Rev. W. S. Coad, M.A., vicar of New Brighton.
Annual seafarers' service at Christ Church, Wallasey, conducted by the vicar, the Mayor and Mayoress attending. Life-boat- men from New Brighton took the offertory in aid of the Institution's funds.
LYMM.—Christmas effort.
MANCHESTER, SALFORD AND DISTRICT.—Annual meeting on 24th Janu- ary, the Lord Mayor of Manchester presiding.
Speakers : Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution, the Mayor and Mayoress of Eccles, Alderman Sir William Davy, J.P., honorary treasurer of the branch, Councillor R. S. Harper, Mr.
C. P. Hampson, chairman of the West Salford district, Mr. R. F. Lancaster, secre- tary of the Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd., Manchester, and the district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1934 £2,612, an increase of £89 on 1933. The life-boat picture awarded to Mr. C. P. Hampson (chairman of the West Salford Life-boat Guild) was presented, and the records of thanks awarded to the employees of the Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd., Man- chester, Mrs. Henry P. Greg, J.P. (president of the Styal and Handforth Ladies' Life-boat Guild), Miss Ford-Smith (president of the Altrincham Ladies' Life-boat Guild), Mrs.
Anderson (honorary secretary of the Old Trafford Ladies' Life-boat' Guild), Mrs. Pell- Ilderton (president of the Fairfield and Droylsden Ladies' Life-boat Guild), and Mrs.
Frederick Collier (president of the South Salford Life-boat Guild).
Annual dinner, dance and whist drive, Alderman Sir William Davy, J.P., honorary treasurer of the branch, presiding. Speakers : The Deputy Lord Mayor of Manchester, the Mayoress of Oldham, Mrs. Harold Baerlein (chairman, City of Manchester Ladies' Life- boat Guild), Mrs. Bayfield (chairman of District Guilds' Committee), Mr. P. M.
Oliver, C.B.E. (honorary secretary of the branch), Mr. C. P. Hampson (chairman, West Salford Life-boat Guild), Councillor S. N. Penlington, J.P. (chairman of Urmston U.D. Council). Entertainment by members of the local life-boat guilds ; dancing display by members of the Everywoman's Health Movement arranged by the principal, Miss Sali LObel.
DENTON.—"Bring-and-buy " sale at the house of the president, Mrs. J. Wilson, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
DIDSBURY.—Annual dance.GORTON.—Annual meeting on 8th November, Mr. H. Grace elected honorary secretary in succession to Mr. J. H.
Fearnley, resigned.
Annual dance.
HARPURHEY.—Old-time dance.
MANCHESTER.—Special meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
NEW MOSTON.—Annual dance.
PRESTWICH.—Annual meeting on 22nd November, the chairman of the Urban District Council presiding. Ladies' Life-boat Guild formed. President, Mrs.
Wild, J.P.; vice-president, Mrs. S. F.
Hardman ; joint honorary secretaries, Mrs.
Kitching and Mrs. B. H. Awford.
URMSTON.—Annual whist drive and dance.
WEST SALFORD.—Dance, which the Mayor and Mayoress of Salford and the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Salford attended.
WHITWORTH PARK AND CHORL- TON-ON-MEDLOCK.—Annual meeting on 19th December.
" Bring-and-buy " sale, at the house of Mrs. Bancroft, president of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild. Speakers : Mr. P. M. Oliver, C.B.E., honorary secretary of the Man- chester, Salford and District branch, Councillor R. S. Harper, and Mrs. J.
Brundrett Tweedale.
OLDHAM.—Annual meeting on 21st Jan- uary, the Mayor, president, in the chair.
Speaker: The district organizing secretary.
Efforts of the past year : Life-boat day at Shaw and Crompton, whist drive and dance, works collections. Amount collected in 1934 £266, an increase of £19 on 1933.
Presentation of prizes won in the life-boat essay competition for elementary schools.
ORRELL.—Annual whist drive and dance.
PIEL (Barrow).—Annual meeting on 6th December. Eng.-Lieut. Commander Fer- guson,-R.N., a member of the committee, presiding in the absence of the Mayor.
Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, dance, whist drive, bridge drive, collections in works. Amount collected in 1934 £131, an increase of £2 on 1933.
PRESTON.—Whist drive, Christmas tree, fete and sale at Clayton Green, organized by Miss Audrey Gardiner. Presentation of a prize won in the life-boat essay competition for elementary schools by Mrs. T. C. Rainford, honorary secretary of the Ladies' Lite-boat Guild.
RADCLIFFE.—Whist drive. Dancing matin6e, given by Miss Little Warburton.
RAMSBOTTOM.—Annual meeting on 17th December, the president, Councillor R. T.
Turnbull, chairman of the Urban District Council, presiding. Amount collected in 1934 £36. Presentation by Councillor Turnbull of the framed record of thanks awarded by the Institution to Mr. H. Price, honorary secretary.
RAMSEY.—Annual meeting on 14th De- cember, the Rev. M. W. Harrison, M.A., chairman, presiding. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat day, dinner-table collection, bridge drive. Amount collected in 1934 £126, an increase of £29 on 1933.
RISHTON.—Annual ball and whist drive.
ROMILEY.—Performance by the Romiley Dramatic Society.
STANDISH.—Bridge and whist drive.
TOTTINGTON.—Jumble sale.
TYLDESLEY.—Annual -whist drive and American tea.
WESTHOUGHTON.—Annual whist drive.
WIGAN.—Annual meeting held on 12th December, the Deputy Mayor presiding.
Speaker : The district organizing secretary.
Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, bridge drive, collections in works. Amount collected in 1934 £150, an increase of £4 on 1933.
Annual bridge and whist drive.
WORKINGTON. — Annual ball. Child- ren's fancy dress ball.
North-East of England.
Stephenson, on behalf of the family of the late Coxswain W. Stephenson, of Boulmer, presented two oil paintings to the branch in memory of him. They were received by Colonel the Hon. H. B. Robson, J.P., chair- man of the branch and a member of the committee of management of the Institution, and are hung in the boat-house.
ALNWICK.—Annual meeting, Sir Stephen Aitchison, chairman, presiding. Efforts of the past year : Garden fete. Amount col- lected in 1934 £79.
BEDLINGTON.—Whist drive and dance.
BERWICK.—Annual supper to life-boat crew. Whist drive, dance, and bridge drive.
BEVERLEY. — The Ladies' Life-boat Guild has lost a generous friend by the death in December of Miss Eldon. She became the honorary secretary of the guild when it was formed in 1926 and though com- pelled through failing eyesight to give up the honorary secretaryship in IftSO, she still continued to work for the guild.
BLAYDON.—Annual meeting. Amount collected in 1934 £114, including a special donation of £100, an increase of £92 on 1933.
BLYTH.-—Annual meeting, the Mayoress, president of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, in the chair. Efforts of the past year : Dance, whist drive and annual tea. Amount col- lected in 1934 £834, an increase of £21 on 1933.
Whist drive and dance.
BRADFORD.—Thirty-fifth annual matinde at the Alhambra Theatre.
BRIDLINGTON.—Whist drive.
BRIGHOUSE.—Whist drive.
CAWTHORNE.—Whist drive and dance.
CULLERCOATS. — Presentation of the record of thanks awarded to the fisherwives for their annual collections.DARLINGTON.—Three whist drives.
DONCASTER.—Annual meeting on 25th January, the Mayoress, president of the branch, in the chair. Speaker : Lieut.-Col.
C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution. Efforts of the past year : Jumble sale, life-boat day. Amount collected in 1934 £169, an increase of £66 on 1933.
GATESHEAD.—Three bridge drives.
HALIFAX.—Drawing-room meeting at the Gleddings, Lady Fisher-Smith, chairman, presiding. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution.
HECKMONDWIKE.—Two bridge and two whist drives.
HEMSWORTH. —Annual Amount collected in 1934 £21.
HOLMFIRTH. — Annual meeting.
Amount collected in 1934 £44, an increase of £7 on 1933.
Whist drive and dance.
HUDDERSFIELD.—Annual meeting on 7th December. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat day, American tea and whist drive.
Amount collected in 1934 £295.
LEEDS.—Annual meeting, the Lord Mayor, president, in the chair. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution. Efforts of the past year : Dance and whist drive, and life-boat day. Amount collected in 1934 £1,406, including a special donation of £500, an increase of £480 on 1933.
NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. — House- to-house appeal at Gosforth, Two bridge drives.
NORTHUMBERLAND. — County ball.
Guests received by the Duchess of Northum- berland, C.B.E., a vice-patron of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and a, patron of the New- castle-upon-Tyne branch.
SEAHAM HARBOUR.—Whist drive and dance. Whist drive. Children's ball.
SELBY.—Bridge drive.
STOCKTON.—Dinner dance.
TYNEMOUTH.—Annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Amount collected in 1934 £13.
WAKEFIELD.—Whist drive.
WHITE Y. — On Armistice Day, llth November, the motor life-boat went to sea.
A service was conducted on board in memory of sailors of Whitby who died in the Great War, and wreaths were cast on the sea.
Lectures at Keighley and Sheffield.
BIRMINGHAM.—Annual life-boat ball, attended by the Earl of Warwick. Col- lections at Theatre Royal, Hippodrome, and Alexandra. Lantern lectures to Edgbaston High School for Girls and Hamstead Road Baptist Church. Carol singing. House-to- house collections in Handsworth, King's Heath, Hall Green, Balsall Heath and Northfield.
BRIERLEY HILL.—Annual meeting.
Amount collected in 1934 £52, an increase of £25 on 1933.
BRISTOL.—Annual life-boat ball. Con- cert by retired postal officers.
KIDDERMINSTER.—Dance at Bewdley, arranged by Mrs. G. S. Lawrence.
LOUTH.—Life-boat day.
MIDDLETON - BY - WIRKSWORTH. — Carol singing.
NEWARK.—Address to the Rotary Club by the district organizing secretary.
NOTTINGHAM.—Annual meeting, the Duke of Portland, K.G., P.C., G.C.V.O., a vice-president of the Institution and patron of the branch, presiding, supported by the Lord Mayor, president. Speaker : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution.
Amount collected in 1934 £591.
Whist drive and dance at Flinton. -Dance and social evening at Carlton, organized by Mrs. C. W. Preston-Hillary, chairman of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
OUNDLE. — House-to-house collection, and " Heroes of the Sea " film shown.
OWSTON FERRY.—Concert, organized by Miss Leggott.
PETERBOROUGH.—Concert, organized by Mr. J. A. Fowler, the Mayoress presiding.
SCOTHERN.—Whist drive and dance.
STOKE-ON-TRENT AND NEWCASTLE- UNDER-LYME.—Annual meeting of New- castle-under-Lyme Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Miss Harrison, M.B.E., patron, presiding.
Speaker : The district organizing secretary.
Whist drive and dance at Stoke-on-Trent.
TOWCESTER.—Carol singing.
WELLINGBOROUGH.—Life-boat dance, organized by Mrs. G. M. Roff.
WOLVERHAMPTON. — Supper dance, attended by the Mayor and Mayoress, and Mr. Geoffrey Le Mander, M.P. for East Wolverhampton.
Lectures at Bredon and Fairford.
South-East of England.
ARUNDEL.—Bridge drive at Arundel Castle.
ATTLEBOROUGH.—Life-boat day.
BOGNOR REGIS.—Carol singing.
BOXMOOR AND HEMEL HEMP- STEAD,—Lantern lecture at Leverstock Green Women's Institute, by Captain H. E.
Holme, R.N., honorary secretary of the branch.
BROADSTAIRS.—Mr. J. L. Cuming appointed honorary secretary.
BYFLEET AND PYRFORD.—Golf com- petition at New Zealand Club.
CAISTER.—Presentation by the district organizing secretary of the record of thanks awarded to Mr. Edward Boning, honorary secretary of the branch on his retirement.
COBHAM.—Carol singing.. — Annual meeting, Lord Suffleld, president of the branch, in the chair. Efforts of the past year: Public meeting, life-boat day, life-boat cup com- petition, etc. Amount collected in 1934 £717, an increase of £289 on 1933. Presenta- tion to the coxswain and crew of medals awarded by the Italian Government for the service to the Monte Nevoso in October, 1932.
(See special report on page 400.) CUCKFIELD.—Carol singing.
DARTFORD.—Lantern lectures by Mr.
Percy Kemp, a vice-president of the branch, at Darenth Women's Institute, Farningham, Christ Church Hall, Parish Church Hall, Gartley House, Y.M.C.A. Hall, Our Lady's High School, and the Co-operative Hall.
EASTBOURNE.—Annual meeting, Mr.
Ernest Armstrong, chairman of the branch, and a member of the committee of manage- ment of the Institution, presiding. Speaker : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution, who presented the certificate of service awarded to Mr. James H. Hardy, bowman, on his retirement. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat days in Eastbourne and district, and other collections arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Amount collected in 1934 £1,172.
Annual Christmas treat for the life- boatmen, their wives and children, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
EAST GRINSTEAD. — Carol singing.
Lecture by Miss M. C. Rowe, honorary secretary, at Felbridge.
GERRARD'S CROSS. — Children's theatricals.
GODALMING.—Bridge tournament.
GREAT YARMOUTH AND GORLE- STON.—On Armistice Day, llth November, the motor life-boat went out to sea. A service was conducted on board in memory of local men who lost their lives at sea in the Great War, and wreaths were cast on the sea.
Annual meeting, Lieut.-Commander H. K.
Case, D.S.C., R.N.R., chairman of the branch, presiding. Efforts of the past year : Special meeting, whist drive, life-boat day, collections at hotels, etc. Amount collected in 1934 £189, an increase of £14 on 1933.
Part proceeds of collection at fishermen's service at Gorleston Parish Church given to the branch.
GUILDFORD.—Whist drive, arranged by the East Horsley Women's Institute.
HALSTEAD AND GOSFIELD.—Concert at Gosfield, arranged by Mrs. Lowe, president of the branch. Speaker : Lieut.-Col. A. D.
Burnett Brown, M.C., T.D., deputy secretary of the Institution.
HITCHIN.—Whist drive.
HYTHE AND DYMCHURCH. — Theatricals, with address by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution.
KESSINGLAND.—Annual whist drive and dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
LEATHERHEAD.—Carol singing.
LOWESTOFT.—Annual meeting, Mr. F.
Spashett, J.P., chairman of the branch, presiding. Efforts of the past year : Life- boat day, special collection. Amount col- lected in 1934 £175, an increase of £4 on 1933.
NEWHAVEN.—Annual meeting, Mr.
R. W. Dewdney, chairman of the branch, presiding. Efforts of the past year : Life- boat days in Newhaven and Peacehaven.
Amount collected in 1934 £78, an increase of £31 on 1933.
RICKMANSWORTH AND CROXLEY GREEN.—" Heroes of the Sea " film shown, with collections. Bridge drive. Address by Captain H. E. Holme, R.N., honorary secre- tary of the Boxmoor and Hemel Hempstead branch.
ROCHESTER.—Lantern lecture to the Women's Citizens' Association by Colonel A. C. Barnby, O.B.E., honorary secretary of the branch.
SOUTHEND-ON-SEA.—Supper to the life-boat crew, given by Mr. Frank Garon.
Mr. Garon has also presented the branch with a barometer and three life-boat pictures.
SOUTHWOLD.—Dinner given by the local committee to Coxswain F. Upcraft on his retirement, Alderman A. J. Critten, chair- man of the branch, presiding.
WALTON AND FRINTON.—Annual meeting, Sir Albert Stern, K.B.E., president, in the chair. Efforts of the past year : Life- boat day, life-boat Sunday. Amount col- lected in 1934 £230, an increase of £19 on 1933.
Dinner in celebration of the Jubilee of the branch. (See special report on page 419.) WATFORD.—Lantern lecture to the Boys' Brigade, by Mr. H. Mellon, honorary secretary of the branch.
WEYBRIDGE.—Bridge tournament.
WINSLOW.—Whist drive.
Lectures at Charing Heath and Lenham, Findon, and Reigate, and presentation at Berkhamstead of prizes in the life-boat essay competition for elementary schools.
South-West of England.
APPLEDORE.—Annual meeting, Colonel C. Didham, J.P., chairman, presiding.
Amount collected in 1934 £227. The chair- man referred to the great loss the branch has sustained by the death of its president, Dr.
W. A. Valentine, and Mr. H. C. Whitehead, who was honorary secretary for thirty years, and is an honorary life-governor of the Institution, was elected president in his place.
Coxswain Sidney Cann, Mr. C. T. Horns- brook, the motor mechanic, Mr. Richard Cann, the bowman, and ex-Second Coxswain S. S. Bignall, took part in a programme called " Blue Water Experiences," which was broadcast by the West Regional, and related life-boat experiences.BASINGSTOKE.—Annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. Stratford, chair- man, presiding. Amount collected in 1934 £54, an increase of £4 on 1933.
BATH.—The branch has suffered a severe loss by the death of Mrs. George Goldie, who was honorary secretary, and has been a life- boat worker for over ten years. Mrs, Goldie was presented by the Institution with the gold badge in 1930.
BODMIN.—Address by the Rev. W. T.
Price, with collection.
BOURNEMOUTH.—Four performances of three plays—" Catherine Parr," " Postal Orders," and "Tommy Dodd," the last a life-boat play written by Lieut.-Col. V. D.
Stenhouse, the honorary secretary, who played the leading part.
BRIDGWATER. — Dance at North Petherton.
BRIDPORT. — Annual meeting, the Mayor, chairman, presiding, supported by Rear-Admiral C. H. Fox, C.B., the president.
Amount collected in 1934 £83, an increase of £14 on 1933. Colonel Castle-Smith pre- sented a model boat, built by himself, to be sold for the benefit of the branch.
BUDE.—By the death of Captain Henry Barrett, on 24th December, at the age of eighty-two, the station has lost a former coxswain. Captain Barrett was its second coxswain for six years, and then served as coxswain for nearly seventeen years, retiring at the age of seventy-one with a pension.
COVERACK.—Annual dinner to life-boat crew and helpers, given by Mr. Francis Roxburgh.
COWES.—Annual ball and young people's dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
CREDITON.—Bridge drive.
EXETER.—Whist drive, arranged by Mrs.
EXMOUTH.—Presentation to Mr. Sam Bennett by Sir Garbutt Knott, Bt., of the record of thanks awarded to him by the Institution.
FALMOUTH.—Whist drive.
FAREHAM.—Life-boat dance at Warsash.
FOWEY.—Coxswain John H. Grose died in November, only three months after he had retired on account of ill health, He had served as coxswain for overAwelve years.
Whist drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life- boat Guild. Prizes presented by the Mayor.
GOSPORT.—Presentation by Colonel R. F. A. Sloane-Stanley, J.P., president of the branch, and a member of the committee of management of the Institution, of the challenge shield for the South-West of England in the life-boat essay competition for elementary schools, won by George John Baker, of Grove Road Senior Boys' School, Gosport. Colonel Sloane-Stanley was sup- ported by the Mayor, Alderman Lee, J.P., C.C., chairman of the Education Committee, and Mr. H. Fereday, honorary secretary of the branch. Colonel Sloane-Stanley himself presented the winner with a watch, and the staff of the school presented him with a fountain-pen. Prizes were also presented to pupils of the Leesland Girls' School, and the Clarence Square Senior Boys' School.
The branch has suffered a serious loss by the death of Alderman E. W. Lapthorn, a member of the committee, who" from 1917 to 1932 was the honorary secretary, and in 1917 was presented by the Institution with a life-boat picture.
HELSTON.—Life-boat day, arranged by the Mayor.
ILFRACOMBE.—Special meeting to re- organize the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs.
Fairfax, honorary secretary of the Guild, presiding. Speaker : The district organizing secretary.
LISS.—Annual meeting. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat day. Amount collected in 1934 £54, an increase of £4 on 1933.
LYMINGTON.—Life-boat film shown, with collections, at the Lyric Cinema.
LYNMOUTH.—Annual meeting, Mr. J. W.
Holman, O.B.E., chairman, in the chair.
Amount collected in 1934 £145.
MARLBOROUGH.—The life-boat play.
" Their Business in Great Waters," presented by the Manton Amateur Dramatic Society.
MINEHEAD.—Annual meeting, Lieut.
H. M. Brandram, R.N.R., chairman, pre- siding. Efforts of the past year : Collections at boat-house, life-boat day, and cinema collections. Amount collected in 1934 £160, an increase of £10 on 1933.
NEWQUAY.—Special meeting of the committee and Ladies' Life-boat Guild about the closing of the station. Speaker : The district organizing secretary.
PADSTOW.—Annual meeting, Mr. C. H.
Babington, vice-president, in the chair.
Amount collected in 1934 £131, an increase of £15 on 1933.
PAIGNTON.—Whist drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
PENZANCE.—Presentation by the Mayor of two certificates of service to retiring members of the Penlee crew, and of woollen scarf-helmets from Mrs. E. Manby, of Codsall, Staffordshire.
PLYMOUTH. — Ball. Life-boat day, dance, and concert at Bere Ferrers.
POOLE.—Whist drive.
PORTSMOUTH.—Annual meeting on 17th January, Alderman Sir Harold Pink, J.P., chairman, presiding, in the absence of the Lord Mayor, the president. Speaker : Lieut.- Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat day, bridge drive. Amount col- lected in 1934 £473, an increase of £36 on 1933. Prizes won in the life-boat essay competition for elementary schools pre- sented by Lady Pink.
Lecture to the British Legion. Bridge tea at Purbrook, with presentation of prizes by Lorna, Countess Howe.
SWANAGE.—Annual meeting, Sir Arthur Adams, K.B.E., vice-president, in the chair, supported by Captain H. P. Buckle, R.N., district officer of coastguard. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat day and whist drive, and life-boat day and house-to-house collection at Wareham. Amount collected in 1934 £161, an increase of £30 on 1933.
Bridge and whist drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
TEIGNMOUTH.—Presentation by the chairman of petty sessions, Col. R. S.
Pottinger, of the coxswain's certificate of service awarded to Coxswain Thomas Hitch- cock on his retirement.
WARMINSTER.—Bridge tournament.
WEYMOUTH.—Annual meeting, Major J. A. Devenish, chairman, presiding.
Amount collected in 1934 £274. The chair- man referred to the great services of Mrs.
Williamson, who had just retired, as honorary secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
Presentation of prizes won by Portland schools in the life-boat essay competition for element- ary schools.
WINCHESTER.—The branch has re- ceived a gift of £1 10s.—in memory of Miss Margaret Lee, who for many years served the Institution as a member of the committee of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
ABERDEEN.—Annual life-boat ball, attended by the Lord and Lady Provost and the Marquess and Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair. Over 600 people present.
AIRDRIE.—Life-boat day.
AYTON AND BURNMOUTH.—New Year dance and military whist drive.
BANFF, MACDUFF, AND WHITE- HILLS.—Performance of "To Have the Honour," by the Banff Dramatic Society.
BURNTISLAND AND ABERDOUR.— Annual meeting on 15th November, Mr.
James Piper, chairman, presiding. Efforts of the past year : Bridge and whist drives and life-boat days. Amount collected in 1934 £72.
CUPAR.—Special meeting, Provost Struth presiding, at which a Ladies' Life-boat Guild was formed. Speakers: Commander the Hon. A. D. Cochrane, D.S.O., M.P., a member of the- committee of management of the Institution and vice-chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, and the Scottish organizing secretary. Guild badges were presented by Lady Cochrane of Cults.
DUNBAR AND SKATERAW.—Presenta- tion of Christmas gifts to the crew.
DUNDEE.—Annual meeting on 10th December, Mr. Ralph C. Cowper, president, in the chair. Speakers : The Lord and Lady Provost, Harriet, Lady Findlay, D.B.E., honorary secretary of the Scottish Life-boat Council, Lady Nairn, Sir Alexander Spence and Provost Scrymgeour. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day and procession, bridge drive and house-to-house collection.
Amount collected in 1934 £930.
DUNFERMLINE.—Annual church ser- vice in Dunfermline Abbey. The Rev. G. M.
Dryburgh, M.A., of St. Columba's Parish Church, officiated, assisted by the Rev. J. W.
Baird, of the Abbey. Sunday concert at Rosyth.
EDINBURGH.—Annual meeting on 30th November, Bailie Raithby in the chair.
Speakers: The Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., LL.D., a vice-president of the Institution, and chairman of the Scottish Council, the Hon. Lord Carmont and the Master of the Merchant Company. Efforts of the past year : Orchestral concert, bridge and whist drive, life-boat day, and special appeal by committee. Amount collected in 1934 £2,806.
Performance of the life-boat play, " Their Business in Great Waters," by the Civil Service Dramatic Society to Claremont Church Guild.
Lantern lecture in the British Legion Unemployed Club by Commander Robert Mends, R.N. Harriet, Lady Findlay, D.B.E., honorary secretary of the Scottish Life-boat Council, presided, and the Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., LL.D., a vice-president of the Institution, and chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, and Admiral Sir John F. E. Green, K.C.M.G., C.B., were present.
GALASHIELS.—Special meeting, Provost Mercer presiding, at which a Ladies' Life-boat Guild was formed. Speakers : The Earl of Haddington, M.C., ex-Provost Hayward and the Scottish organizing secretary. Guild badges were presented by the Countess of Haddington.
GIRVAN.—Presentation by the district inspector of the record of thanks accompany- ing the gold badge awarded to Mr. James Brewster, J.P., the honorary treasurer.
Basket whist drive and dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
GLASGOW.—Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, with address by Mrs.
J. J. D. Hourston, O.B.E., president of the guild.
GOUROCK.—Annual whist drive.
GREENOCK.—Annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. J. A. Morrison presiding.
Lantern lecture by Mr. Thomas Smart.
INVERGORDON. — Whist drive and dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Mrs. Ross, president, was in the chair, and prizes were presented by Mrs.
Robert Mends.
ISLE OF BUTE.—Annual whist drive and ball. The Marchioness of Bute, D.B.E., president of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, pre- sided and presented prizes. Speakers : Lord Colum Crichton Stuart, Provost Thompson and the Scottish organizing secretary.
KIRKCALDY.—Whist drive and dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, with address by the Scottish organizing secretary.
KIRKCUDBRIGHT.—Annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 6th December, the Countess of Galloway, president, in the chair. Speaker : Dr. Grant Morris. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat days and house- to-house collections.
Branch annual meeting on 21st December, Sir Charles Hope-Dunbar, Bt., president, in the chair. Speaker : Vice-Admiral Eustace Leatham, C.B. Amount collected in 1934 £129.NEWBURGH.—Children's fancy dress party, organized by .the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
PETERHEAD.—Annual life-boat dance, organized by a special committee. Presenta- tion to Mrs. Troup, honorary secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, of the record of thanks awarded to her by the Institution.
RENFREW.—Basket whist drive, or- ganized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
TROON.—Annual meeting on 23rd Octo- ber, Mr. James Clark, J.P., chairman, presiding. Efforts of the past year : Whist drive, life-boat day and special appeal by the committee. Amount collected in 1934 £155, an increase of £28 on 1933.
Annual joint church service. Whist drive.
VALE OF LEVEN.—Special meeting, Sir Iain Colquhoun, Bt., of Luss, presiding, at which a Ladies' Life-boat Guild was formed.
Speakers : The Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., LL.D., a vice-president of the Institution and chairman of the Scottish Life- boat Council, and Commander the Hon. A. D.
Cochrane, D.S.O., M.P., a member of the committee of management of the Institution, and vice-chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, and the Scottish organizing secre- tary. Guild badges were presented by the Hon. Mrs. A. D. Cochrane.
WICK.—Coxswain P. Bain died in January at the age of sixty, while still serving as coxswain. He had held the post for fourteen years.
Lecture at Barrhead.
(Including Herefordshire, Monmouthshire and Shropshire.) BARRY.—Bridge and whist drive, or- ganized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
CARDIFF.—Nautical Fayre and bridge drive, the first effort organized by the recently formed Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
Mrs. Ormond Lewis, chairman of the Guild, presided at the opening ceremony, and in the absence of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Tredegar, D.L., the Lady Mayoress of Cardiff declared the Fayre opened. Vote of thanks to the Lady Mayoress proposed by Councillor James Griffiths, J.P. (Deputy Lord Mayor), seconded by Mr. T. H. Mordey, J.P., Honorary secretary of the branch.
IRONBRIDGE.—Annual life-boat dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
LLANDUDNO.—The branch has suffered a severe loss by the death of Mrs. William Roberts, joint honorary secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and an enthusiastic worker for many years.
NEWPORT (Mon.)—Presentation by Mr.
A. J. Phillips, chairman of the branch, of a prize won in the life-boat essay competition for elementary schools. Address by the district organizing secretary.
PENARTH.—Presentation by County Councillor D. B. Jones of a prize won in the life-boat essay competition for elemen- tary schools. Address by the district organizing secretary.
SHREWSBURY.—Special meeting of col- lectors, the Viscountess Bridgeman, D.B.E., president, in the chair. Committee elected.
SWANSEA.—Whist drive and dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
TENBY.—Special meeting, the Mayoress presiding, at which a Ladies' Life-boat Guild was formed. Speaker: The district or- ganizing secretary. Officers appointed: Vice-presidents, the Lady Merthyr, Mrs.
Bickerton Edwards, Alderman Mrs. M. J.
Jenkins, Mrs. E. Silcott, and Mrs. Strong; chairman, Mrs. Hulton ; joint honorary secre- taries, Miss M. Hulton and Mrs. Norman ; honorary treasurer, Miss M. Pudsey Dawson.
Lecture to the Sea Rangers.
Lectures at Bromyard and Oakengates, and presentation of prizes in the life-boat essay competition for elementary schools at Corwen, Pontypool, and Whitchurch.
BALBRIGGAN.—Whist drive.
BALLYSHANNON.—Mrs. Sproule-Myles appointed honorary secretary.
BELFAST.—Eighth annual life-boat ball at the Plaza, the guests received by the Viscountess Bangoi.
CORK.—Annual life-boat ball.
DONAGHADEE. — Annual meeting.
Speakers : Mr. J. F. Ward, vice-president, Mr. Alexander M. Hamilton, chairman, Mr.
David McKibbin, honorary secretary, and the district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1934 £159, an increase of £70 on 1933.
DOWNPATRICK.—Mr. Lyle Reid, Bel- fast Banking Company, appointed honorary treasurer.
DUN LAOGHAIRE.—Mr. Oscar A. Eaton appointed honorary treasurer in the place of Mr. J. A. Fulton resigned. Cinderella dance.
FERMOY.—Golf competition.
KILMORE.—Annual meeting. Amount collected in 1934 £28, an increase of £17 on 1933.
LONDONDERRY.—Address by the dis- trict organizing secretary to the Rotary Club.
MARYBOROUGH.—Carol-singing week, organized by Mrs. T. F. E. Morrow, the honorary secretary.
PORTRUSH. — Annual meeting, Sir Francis Macnaghten, Bt., president, in the chair. Amount collected in 1934 £153, an increase of £7 on 1933.
WESTMEATH, NORTH. — Cinderella dance, organized by Miss Rose Chapman, honorary secretary.
YOUGHAL.—Annual meeting, Mi. J. R.
Smyth, chairman, presiding. Speakers : Mr. A. Nelson Cole, honorary secretary, Mr.
J. G. T. McGrath, honorary treasurer, and the district inspector of life-boats. Amount collected in 1934 £95.
Whist drive..