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Just after mid- night on the 21st-22nd October the coastguard telephoned that a motor boat, anchored about one mile east of Hengistbury Head, was in danger of being washed ashore. A moderate south gale was blowing, with a heavy sea and rain squalls. The motor life- boat Thomas Markby was launched at 12.35 A.M. and found the boat to be the Meg, of Christchurch, with one man on board. He had lost his rudder, and had anchored, but the boat had dragged until she was only just clear of the broken water. With some difficulty the life-boat went alongside, passed the man a rope, and towed the boat off shore. The man was then taken into the life-boat. Owing to the weight of the seas the tow-rope parted, but two more ropes were made fast and the Meg was towed into Yarmouth, which was reached at 4.30 A.M. The life-boat left at 5.58 A.M. and got back to her station at 9.10—Rewards, £21 11s..