Maggie Smith
On the evening of the llth October the coxswain was warned that the local fishing boat Maggie Smith, with a crew of four, had not returned to port when expected, and great anxiety was felt for her safety. The motor life-boat John and William Mudie was launched at 7.35 P.M., in a strong W.N.W. breeze with a smooth sea, to look for her. When off Whiting Ness the life-boat's crew saw lights and found the Maggie Smith in tow of another boat. Her engine had broken down. The boats were going against the strong wind and ebb tide, and in order to get them across the harbour bar while there was sufficient water, the life-boat helped by passing a rope to the towing boat.
Harbour was reached at 8.45 P.M.— Rewards, £6 6s..