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Kingfisher and Just Reward

The life- boat crew kept a watch on the morning of the 4th November, as the local fishing cobles Kingfisher and Just Reward were at sea, an east gale had sprung up and the sea was making. At 12.30 P.M. the sea was very rough and the second cox- swain, in the absence of the coxswain, who was ill, decided to launch the motor life-boat Herbert Joy II. She put off at 12.40 P.M., and found the Kingfisher, an open coble, about two miles east of the harbour, in danger of being swamped. Two men and a boy were on board. The boy was taken into the life-boat, life-belts were handed to the men, and the Kingfisher was escorted into harbour. The life-boat put out again, met the Just Reward some distance off, and escorted her in. She returned to her station at 2.10 P.M.— Rewards, £19 14s. 6d..