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At 10 P.M. on the night of the 15th October, during a whole N. by E. gale with a very heavy sea—one of the worst gales for some years—distress flares were seen to the S.W. of Moelfre Island. They came from the schooner Isallt, of Skibbereen, bound for home from Birkenhead with a cargo of coal, and carrying a crew of five. The motor life-boat G.W. was launched. Rain was falling and the weather was very cold. The life-boat rescued the schooner's crew, but was unable to get back to Moelfre, and had to put into Beaumaris for the night.

Conditions were very bad. One sea went clean over the life-boat, burying her and nearly washing some of her crew overboard. The master of the Isallt paid a tribute to the seamanship and courage of the life-boat crew, and the Institution granted them additional rewards.—Rewards, £21 Is. 6d..