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In Memory of Grace Darling

THE motor life-boat Herbert Joy, the gift of Mr. Alexander O. Joy, of London, which was at one time sta- tioned at Scarborough, and is now in the Institution's reserve fleet at Poplar, went up the Thames on 24th November to take part in the planting on the foreshore of Battersea Park of a tree in memory of Grace Darling and her father, William Darling, keeper of the Longstone Lighthouse. Captain E. S. Carver, R.D., -R.N.R. the superinten- dent of stores, and a silver medallist of the Institution, was in 'charge of the life-boat. Commander Henry Strong, R.D., R.N.R., a member of the com- mittee of management, represented the Merchant Navy. The tree was an oak from Northumberland, presented by the Lord Lieutenant of the county, Sir Charles Trevelyan, and was planted by, Commander Strong, Captain Carver and Lighthouse-keeper Mills, of Chatham.

The ceremony had been arranged by the Grace Darling League and the Green Cross Society, and was the first of a number of such ceremonies which are to take place all round the coast during the next three years in anticipa- tion of the celebrations in 1938 of the centenary of the rescue by Grace Darling and her father of the survivors of the-Forfar-shire.