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Fishing Boats

On the morning of the 22nd October a whole S.W. gale was blowing, with a very rough sea. At 10,10 A.M. the harbour-master at Port- mahomack telephoned that three fishing boats had put out, but only two had returned, and that the third was in distress and drifting. The motor life- boat James Macfee was launched at 10.20 A.M., but was recalled when off Balintore, as the fishing boat had got to safety. As the life-boat was returning to her station she saw the Fortrose ferry boat drifting and in danger of being driven on to the rocks. The ferryman and another man were on board. With some difficulty a line was passed and the boat was towed into Cromarty harbour. The life-boat reached her station again at 1 P.M.— Rewards, £6 13s..