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Fairy Brae

On the afternoon of the 24th October the Curracloe coastal watch reported that a boat in North Bay was flying a distress signal. A moderate S.S.W.

gale was blowing, with a rough sea and driving rain. The motor life-boat K.E.C.F. was launched at 2.20 P.M. and found the boat to be the fishing boat Fairy Brae, of Wexford, with a crew of three. She was at anchor about two hundred yards offshore and was in grave danger, as her rudder had carried away. A rope was passed to her and she was towed towards Rosslare.

When the two boats were crossing the harbour bar the sea was so rough that the life-boat pulled the towing bits out of the fishing boat. In spite of this she got her safely in, and returned to her station at 6.5 P.M.—Permanent crew ; Rewards, £1 15s. Sd..