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Early on the morning of the 5th December fishermen about the harbour saw red flares a few miles due east.

An E.N.E. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea. The weather was very cold, with heavy blasts of rain. With some difficulty, owing to the low tide, the motor life-boat Helen Smitton was launched at 7.15 A.M., and eventually saw the steamer Dunscore, of Glasgow, about six miles east of St. Abbs Head. She was listing badly, and turned over and sank just before the life- boat reached her, but her crew of six managed to get away in the ship's boat.

It was overloaded, was shipping a great deal of water, and could not have lived for long in such a heavy sea. The crew, one of whom had been injured in leaving the steamer, were rescued, and the life-boat made for home. She encountered some rough seas at the harbour entrance, but got safely in, and reached her station at 9.10 A.M.

The Eyemouth pulling and sailing life-boat Anne Frances was also launched, but was recalled, as her services were not required. The rescue was a fine and prompt piece of work and additional rewards were granted to the crew of the St. Abbs life-boat.— Rewards: St. Abbs, £14 6s.; Eyemouth, £16 9s..