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Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

Coxswain's Certificate of Service.

The COXSWAIN'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, and a PENSION, have been awarded to the following, on their retire- ment :~ JOHN ANGUS, 35 years coxswain of the Howth life-boat.

FRANK UPCRAFT, 12J years coxswain and 9J years bowman of the Southwold life-boat.

ROBERT WTEST, 6 yeais coxswain, 5 years second coxswain and 4 years bowman of the Montrose life-boat.

ALEXANDER GALL, 5 years coxswain and 15 years second coxswain of ths Broughty Ferry life-boat.

There has also been awarded to the widow of the late MICHAEL HAMILTON, 27£ years coxswain of the Blackrock life-boat, the coxswain's certificate of service which would have been awarded to him on his retirement.

Life-boatman's Certificate of Service.

The LIFE-BOATMAN'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, and a GRATUITY, have been awarded to the following, on their retirem3nt: WILLIAM BURKE, 6 years coxswain, 1J years second coxswain and 17| years a member of the crew of the Dunmore East life-boat.

ALEXANDER STEWART, 8 years bowman and 20J years a member of the crew of the Montrose life-boat.

The LIFE,BOATMAN'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, and a PENSION, have been awarded to the following, on their retire- ment : MONTAGUE GHUNNILL, 26£ years second coxswain and 13J years a member of the crew of the Skegness life-boat.

GEORGE POWELL, 20| years second coxswain and 7} years a member of the crew of the Mumbles life-boat.

DENIS DRISCOLL, 15J years second coxswain of the Baltimore life-boat.

WILLIAM JONES, 14 years second coxswain, 9 years bowman and 13 years a member of the crew of the Pwllheli life-boat.

THOMAS MABTIN, 15 years bowman and 30 years a member of the crew of the Berwick- on-Tweed life-boat. WILLIAM PATTERSON, 13 years bowman and 22 years a member of the crew of the Eyemouth life-boat.

PETER DULLAGHAN, 10J years bowman of , the Blyth life-boat.

The LIFE-BOATMAN'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE has been awarded to the following : FRANCIS SUTHERAN, 8J years second cox- swain, 7f years bowman and 16 J years a member of the crew of the Hartlepool life-boat.

JOHN W. STEVENS, 34 years a member of the crew of the St. Ives life-boat.

A PENSION has been awarded to WILLIAM S. COFFEY, shore-signalman at Port St.

Mary for 38J years, on his retirement.

A FRAMED LETTER OF THANKS has been awarded to THOMAS BINDING, on his retirement, after 50 years' association with the Watchet life-boat as helper and head launcher..