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The Motor Fishing Boats Victory and Billows Crown

St. Abbs, Berwickshire. — On the morning of the 20th August a strong gale blew up from the south-east, with driving rain and a rough sea. As the local motor fishing boats Victory and Billows Crown were still at sea, the motor life-boat Helen Smitton was launched at 9.45 A.M. The Victory was found south of Fast Castle Point. Her engine was giving trouble, and she was shipping water from the heavy seas.

Her owner, who was on board with his young son, managed to re-start the engine and the life-boat escorted her back to harbour. No sign of the other boat had been seen, so the life-boat put out again immediately. She found her making very slow progress towards harbour, having had to abandon her lines about ten miles out, and accompanied her in. The life-boat returned to her station at 12.45 P.M.—Rewards, none, as no rewards are desired by the life-boat crew for services to local fishing boats..