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The Late Mr. Charles Dixon, R.I.

BY the death of Mr. Charles Dixon, R.I., the marine painter, on 12th September, at the age of sixty-one, the Institution has lost a valued and •generous friend. Mr. Dixon painted two of the outstanding life-boat services of recent years, the Cromer service to the Italian steamer Monte Nevoso on 14th, 15th, and 16th October, 1932, and the Cromer service to the Dover barge Sepoy on 13th December, 1933. The first of these was reproduced on the Institution's Christmas card for 1933, and its calendar for the present year.

The second—one of the frldst graphic pictures which the Institution has df a life-boat service—is being used for the Christmas card this year, and for the 1935 calendar. A reproduction of it will be found on page 358. Mr. Dixon had previously painted a series of five pictures called " Ships the Life-boats Serve," showing the liner, the warship and aeroplane, the tramp steamer, the sailing ship and the fishing smack.

Two of these have been reproduced on calendars, so that no artist's work has, in recent years, been more widely used to make the public familiar with the life-boat service ; and all these pictures were painted on terms which made them almost gifts to the Institution..