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Inaugural Ceremony at Llandudno

THE new motor life-boat at Llandudno which has replaced a pulling and sailing life-boat, was formally inaugurated on 28th September. She is a Welsh gift, having been built out of legacies received from the late Dr. Thomas Richards, of Llangadock, and the late Miss Sarah Lewis, of Aberystwyth.

Dr. Richards's legacy has also helped to provide the motor life-boat at Moelfre, Anglesey, built in 1930.

The new life-boat is of the light self- righting type, 35 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 3 inches, and on service, with crew and gear on board, she weighs 6f tons.

She is divided into six water-tight compartments, and is fitted with 115 air-cases. If a sea breaks on board she can free herself in twelve seconds, and if she were capsized, even with a hole in her bottom, she could right herself in four seconds. She has one screw, driven by a 35 h.p. engine, in a water-tight compartment. The engine itself is water-tight, so that it could continue running even if the engine- room were flooded. Her speed is 7J knots, and she carries enough petrol to be able to travel ninety-four miles at full speed without refuelling. She carries a crew of seven, and can take thirty people on board in rough weather.

The Llandudno station was estab- lished in 1861 and has rescued 114 lives. In 1919 the then coxswain, John Owen, won the bronze medal.

Among those taking part in the ceremony were Lord Mostyn, president of the branch, Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution, and Mr.

G. A. Humphreys, J.P., chairman of the branch; among those present were Mr.

J. J. Marks, M.A., honorary secretary of the branch, Mrs. J. J. Marks, J.P., who holds the Institution's gold badge, and T. E. Purdy, J.P., C.C., president of the Colwyn Bay branch and an honorary life-governor of the Institution, and Major A. D. Burnett Brown, deputy- secretary of the Institution. There were also present Mr. William Jones, of Llandudno, and Mr. Richard Thomas, of Conway, who had attended the launch of the first Llandudno life-boat seventy- three years ago.

Lord Mostyn opened the proceed- ings, and Commander G. R. Cousins, D.S.C., R.N., inspector of life-boats, described the new boat. Miss A. E.

Lewis, cousin of Miss Sarah Lewis, one of the two donors, then presented her to the Institution. Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution, received her and expressed the grati- tude of the Institution to the two donors. He then formally presented the life-boat to the station and she was received by Mr. G. A. Humphreys, J.P.

The life-boat was dedicated by the Rev. Canon T. J. Rowlands, M.A., B.D., Rector of Llandudno, assisted by the Rev. W. H. Compton and the Rev.

H. Harris Hughes, B.A. Miss A. E.

Lewis then named the life-boat Thomas and Annie Wade Richards.

A vote of thanks to Lord Mostyn, Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., and Miss A. E. Lewis was proposed by Mr.

T. J. Jones, J.P., chairman of the Llandudno Urban District Council, and seconded by the Hon. Mrs. H.

Lloyd Mostyn.

After the singing of " Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau " (Land of our Fathers) and the National Anthem, the life-boat was launched. When the life-boat returned the crew were presented with woollen helmet-scarves, the gift of Mrs. E.

Manby, of Codsall, Staffordshire..