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Emma and the Boy Billie

Southwold, Suffolk.—On the morning of the 20th August the coastguard reported that two motor fishing boats inDunwich Bight which were trying to make Southwold harbour were in danger. A moderate to strong S.S.W breeze was blowing and the sea was rough. The motor life-boat Mary Scott was launched at 11.15 A.M. and came up with the boats, the Emma, with two men on board, and the Boy Billie, with one man, about one mile south of Southwold. The men were taken into the life-boat and their boats were taken in tow. Owing to the state of tide and sea at the harbour entrance it was decided not to attempt the crossing with the boats in tow, and the life-boat took them to Lowestoft. She returned to her station at 4.45 P.M.

—Rewards, £8 8s..