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A Starving Crew

ON 27th October, when the motor life-boat from Pwllheli was out on practice in half a gale, with a heavy sea running, she was hailed by the steamer Marjorie, of Liverpool, anchored in St. Tudwal's Roads. The Marjorie was on her way to Cardigan, with a cargo of coal, and she had been wind-bound for four days in the roads.

Her crew had come to the end of their food; they could not launch a boat; and when the life-boat appeared the weather was getting worse and there was no prospect of a change for the better. The life-boat at once returned ashore, brought out a bagful of food, and after some manosuvring, succeeded in getting the bag on board the steamer.

A letter of thanks was received later from the master of the Marjorie..