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A Small Yacht

Yarmouth, Isle of Wight.—On the morning of the 4th September the Needles Royal Naval Signal Station telephoned that a small yacht had capsized about one mile west of the Needles. The motor life-boat B.A .S.P.

was launched at 10.33 A.M., in a strong S.W. breeze, with a rough sea. The coxswain got a bearing from the Needles by means of searchlight signals.

Soon afterwards she found the yacht awash, with two men clinging to her.

She was being rapidly carried out to sea. The life-boat went as near as possible and rescued the men by means of life-buoys on' lines. One of them was in a very exhausted condition.

They were given restoratives and taken to Yarmouth quay, where a doctor was waiting. The life-boat returned to her station at 12.30 P.M. After warm clothing had been provided for them the two men were taken home by Captain A. G. Cole, R.N.R., the Institution's honorary secretary at Yarmouth, and given refreshment. Next day they called on him to thank him and the life-boat's crew, and they made a donation to the branch funds.—Rewards, £3 185..