The Fishwives of Cullercoats
THE fishwives of Cullercoats have beaten their previous record by col- lecting £203 11s. lOd. at the quarterly road exercise and launch of the life- boat. Their previous highest total was £199 in 1931. This was their thirteenth annual collection and the total for the thirteen years is over £1,775.
The Newcastle Highland Pipe Band again took part in the procession, giving their services, and five cinemas —the Playhouse, the Coliseum, the Empire and the Picture House (all in Whitley Bay), and the Plaza, in Tynemouth—allowed collections to be made at their doors. The Playhouse also showed a life-boat film for a week.
Seventy-five collectors took part, four of them collecting over £11 each.
Mrs. Polly Donkin, who is now seventy- seven years old, was again, as in every previous year, the most successful collector, and by collecting £85 5s. 2jd.
also beat her previous record of just over £83. In the thirteen years she has collected £586, or very nearly a third of the total..