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The Converted Ship's Life-Boat Joybell

Five men left St.

Helier on the 31st March, in a converted ship's life-boat named Joybell, on a pleasure fishing trip to Les Minquiers.

They did not return when expected and some anxiety was felt. Next day, April 1st, at 2.20 P.M., the life-boat coxswain, with the second coxswain and bowman, went out in the States' tug to look for the Joybell, but owing to bad weather conditions and poor visi- bility nothing could be seen of her, and the tug returned at 6.15 P.M. The pulling and sailing life-boat William Henry Wilkinson was launched at 6.5 A.M. on the 2nd to make a further search. Heavy seas were running and there was a thick haze. The life-boat reached Les Minquiers at 10.45 A.M., and found the men on Maitre He, with their boat moored under the lee of the island. Two of the men were taken into the life-boat, but the remaining three stayed on the island so that they could bring the boat back when the weather moderated. The life-boat arrived back in the harbour at 5.10 P.M., after having been out for eleven hours.—Rewards, £16 8s..