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Services of Foreign Life-Boats to British Vessels In 1933

IN the last issue of The Life-boat particulars were given of services to British vessels during last year by the life-boat services of Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Iceland, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and Rumania.

The present figures of their fleets were also given. Since then these particulars have been received from three other countries.


There were no services to British vessels during the year. The Belgian coast has nine stations. All are equipped with rocket life-saving appar- atus, and seven of them are provided also with life-boats. The Belgian fleet consists of three motor life-boats and seven pulling life-boats.


There were no services to British vessels during the year. The Japanese fleet consists of ninety-two motor life- boats and 125 pulling life-boats.

United States of America.

During the year American life-boats went to the help of twenty-seven British vessels, and rescued twenty- five lives. They went to the help also of forty-four Canadian vessels, and rescued forty-seven lives.

The United States fleet consists of 131 self-righting motor life-boats, 159 motor surf boats and 329 pulling surf boats, making a total fleet of 619 boats, of which 290 Jiave motor power..