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Early on the morning of the 23rd June four young men left Lynmouth for Mumbles in the auxiliary yacht Morandi, of Mumbles.

Soon after she put out the engine broke down. With the help of her sails she got as far as Scarweather light-vessel, but then her sails were blown away and she began to drift. A moderate east breeze was blowing with a moderate sea. When off Pwll Dhu Head she was seen by the sister of one of the men on board her, who telephoned to the life-boat coxswain. The motor life- boat Edward Prince of Wales was launched 11.35 A.M., picked the Morandi up, and towed her into Mumbles. She arrived back at her station at 2.30 P.M.

In appreciation of this service the Institution received a contribution of £5.—Rewards, £5 9s..