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On the afternoon of the 21st May the motor boat May Belle got into difficulties oft Littlestone.

Her engine had broken down, and she began to drift. She was making her first trip with her owner and five other men on board. The coastguard passed news of her plight to the life-boat station, and the motor life-boat City of Nottingham was launched at 2.27 P.M. A strong S.W. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea, and the weather was hazy. The life-boat found the motor boat right inshore, three and a half miles east of Littlestone, just to windward of a groin, and with a big wall close behind her. Her anchor was out, but she was drifting. Three of her passengers had waded or swum ashore. The life-boat got a line aboard and towed her clear. The remaining three men were then taken into the life-boat, and the May Belle was towed to Greatstones. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 4.50 P.M. The owner of the May Belle sent a letter of thanks to the life-boat coxswain for the rescue, and made a donation to the funds of the Institution.—Rewards, £10 12s. 6d..