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Life-Boat Calendar and Christmas Card

The Calendar.

THE Institution is again issuing a life- boat calendar and a Christmas card.

The calendar will have on it a reproduction in colours of a picture by Mr. Charles Dixon, R.I., of the rescue by the Cromer motor life-boat of the crew of two men of the barge Sepoy in December, 1933. This was one of the three outstanding services of the year.

Coxswain Henry Blogg was awarded the silver medal for it, and each member of the crew the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum.

The calendar, as in previous years, will have the record of lives saved printed on the front and other particu- lars on the back.

It will be 111 inches long by 9 inches wide, and can be obtained from the Institution in any quantity, post free, Is. each, or 10s. a dozen, this price including an envelope with each calen- dar. It will weigh, in the envelope, just under four ounces, so that it can be sent through the post, with the envelope open, for d.

The Christinas Card.

The Christmas card will be a four- page card with a reproduction in colours of the same picture. The card will have the Institution's crest inside and Christmas and New Year greetings, but no other printing. The price will be 3d. each, including the envelope. If twenty-five or over are ordered the name and address can be printed under the greetings. The price of the cards, with name and address printed, will be 5d. each for quantities from twenty-five up to fifty, and 4d.

each for quantities from fifty up to one hundred. If a hundred or over are ordered no charge will be made for printing the name and address.

Those who wish to order calendars and cards can do so at once. The cards are ready and the calendars will be ready before the end of October.

Orders should be sent to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I, and postal orders or stamps enclosed with them..