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A Schoolboy's Help.

THE honorary secretary of the Women's Auxiliary at Folkestone has had from a public schoolboy a gift, in the form of personal service, of the value of £6 14s. 3d. In the course of three holidays he has saved her that sum in postage by delivering letters and parcels for her.


THE LIFE-BOAT is published quarterly and is sent free to all honorary secretaries of branches and the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, to coxswains, honorary workers, subscribers often shillings and over, libraries, the principal hotels, and the Press.

It is the current record of the work of the life-boat service, and the chief means by which it keeps its workers, subscribers and the general public informed of its activities.

Unless you are keeping a complete set of the journal you will help the Institution if, after reading this number, you will pass it on to a friend.

All contributions for the Institution should be sent either to the honorary secretary of the local branch or guild, or to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat institution, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I.

All enquiries about the work of the Institution or about the journal should be addressed to the secretary.

Tiie next number O/THE LIFE-BOAT will be published in November, 1934..