Advanced search


— The motor life-boat J. and W. put out at 10.40 A.M. on the 12th March, in a moderate N.E. gale, with a heavy sea, to search for the motor fishing boat Unity, which had been reported to be in distress with an engine breakdown about seven miles N.W, of Portpatrick.

After searching fruitlessly for five hours the life-boat was hailed by the s.s.

Oranmore, which had picked up the Unity's crew of two men in an ex- hausted condition. Their boat was lost. They were transferred to the life-boat. She was then ten miles from her station, and arrived home at 6.20 P.M., having been out for nearly eight hours in very cold and rough weather. An additional money reward was made to each member of the crew for this long and arduous service.— Rewards, £13 19s. 3d..