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On the evening of the 2nd March it was learned that the local motor fishing boat Tony had not come back from sea with the rest of the boats. Her owner was the life- boat coxswain, and he and two other men were on board. The coastguard telephoned Blakeney and Brancaster, but could get no news of the boat, and it was decided to send out the pulling and sailing life-boat Baltic to make a search. She was launched at 7.30 P.M.

A W. by S. wind was blowing, with a moderate sea, and it was raining. After some time a flare was seen, and at 10 P.M. the life-boat found the Tony, about five miles off Wells. Her engine had broken down and she was at anchor. The tide was dead against her for getting back to Wells, and a heavy ground swell was then running.

The life-boat towed her for a short time until a motor boat, which had been sent out to help, reached them.

The motor boat then towed the Tony home. The life-boat made for home, but as there was not sufficient water to get her into the house, she was anchored, about a mile away, at 12.15 A.M., and was rehoused later.

—Rewards, £42 Is. 6d..