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At 8 A.M. on the 16th February the coastguard telephoned to the coxswain that a vessel was ashore about one mile south of Palling coastguard station.

The tide was then half flood, and there was a slight swell. A moderate W.N.W.

breeze was blowing, and it was foggy.

The motor life-boat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood, was launched, and reached the vessel, the steamer Stepney, of Glasgow, at 10.10 A.M.

The steamer, bound from Shields to London with a cargo of coal, was hard aground on the outer bank, but her captain told the coxswain that he did not want help. At 10.45 a tug and the Gorlestori private life-boat arrived, but their help was not accepted, and the private life-boat returned to har- bour. The John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood stayed at anchor near the steamer all day. At 7.20 P.M., when the tide flowed again, the tug towed the steamer off. The life-boat waited until she was clear and reported sea- c worthy, and then returned to her station. She got back at 9.30 P.M., having been out for over thirteen hours.—Rewards, £40 18s..