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Service of Thanksgiving In Liverpool Cathedral

A SPECIAL service was held in Liverpool Cathedral on 26th November, 1933, at which some 200 people were present, in remembrance of those who, by their generosity and self-sacrifice, had brought into being the life-boat service.

Among the congregation was a small contingent from the crews at New Brighton and Hoylake, small because at the time of the service a dense fog was lying over the Mersey, which meant that at any moment a call might come from a vessel in distress.

The sermon was preached by Canon W. J. Elsely, of Liverpool, and the offertory was on behalf of the life-boat funds.

A special order of service was pre- pared by the Dean of Liverpool (the Very Rev. F. W. Dwelly, D.D.), with the help of Canon Charles F. H. Soulby, who used to live overlooking the entrance to the Tyne, and who had in his parish the Lawe House, at which the plans were made for the first permanent life- boat station on our coasts, established at South Shields in 1789.

The Order of Service.

MEN AND BRETHREN, As on other days we remember the honour due to all those who are concerned under the King's most gracious Majesty for the welfare of the people of this land, so this day we remember the honour due to those who founded and maintained the traditions of the Royal National Life-boat Institution : As we bless the Lord for all His mercies, so in particular let us sing praise to God for the founders of the Institution, its benefactors and upholders at every stage, the restorers of its vigour in time of national depression, and afl those whose imagination and adven- ture have enlarged its range : Doxology : " Praise God, from whom all blessings flow " (sung).

Hymn: " Jesus calls us." (Tune : St.


By faith those who would deliver their brothers out of their distress in founding, maintaining, and continually fostering with new life this Institution, willed to encircle our country with companies of help : Such as were Albert, Prince Consort, William Hillary, Baronet, founder of the Institution, Thomas Wilson and George Hibbert, Members of Parliament, Charles Manners Sutton, Archbishop, Robert Banks, Earl of Liverpool, and William Wilberforce, helpers in the founding, Algernon, Duke of Northumberland, Edward Birkbeck, Knight, and Charles Macara, Knight, of this County Palatine of Lancaster.

Dean : I thank my God upon every remembrance of them.

R. : Let him that loveth God love his brother also.

By faith others who would help their brothers in distress turned their gifts of eye and hand, their sense of shape and line and buoyancy to the building of boats for those who go forth to rescue : Such as were Lionel Lukin, coach builder, Henry Greathead, maker of boats, William Wouldhave, house painter, teacher of music and parish clerk, James Beeching, designer and constructor of cutters and fishing craft, and George Lennox Watson, yacht builder.

By faith others who would help their brothers in distress, being stirred by news of disastrous wrecks, made early provision of boats stationed to give aid : Such as were gentlemen of the Lawe House, South Shields, the committee of the coal trade in those parts, the members of Lloyd's, the brethren of the Trinity House, as well as John Sharpe, of Bamburgh, Archdeacon, Hugh, Duke of Northumberland, and Cathcart Dempster of St. Andrew's.

Dean : I thank my God upon every remembrance of them.

R. : Let him that loveth God love his brother also.

By faith others who would deliver their brothers out of their distress directed the use of the explosive forces of destruction, show- ing the way with mortar and rocket to draw men to safety across the breakers : Such as were George William Manby, in his remembrance of the line he threw over Downham Church when a boy, and the invention he made thereupon, Henry Tren- grouse of Helston, and Colonel Boxer of the Royal Laboratory.

Dean : I thank my God upon every remembrance of them.

R. : Let him that loveth God love his brother also.

By faith others who would deliver their brethren out of their distress planned houses of light at sea and by faith others kept vigilant watch therein : Such as were John Smeaton, Robert Stevenson, Alan Stevenson, engineers, William Darling, lighthouse-keeper, and his daughter Grace.

Dean : I thank my God upon every remembrance of them.

R. : Let him that loveth God love his brother also.

By faith others have been and still are moved to risk and offer their lives that other men may live : Such as were the men of the life-boat Providence, lost off the Tyne in 1849, and those who were drowned in the life-boat disaster of 1886 on the Lancashire coast, and all life-boatmen in all ages.

For this and all His blessings my soul doth magnify the Lord.

The Magnificat was then sung and the Creed was said. The service then proceeded in accordance with the Order of Evening Prayer from the Creed onwards in the Book of Common Prayer. The anthem was: " They that go down to the sea " (Attwood.).