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On the evening of the 16th March information was received that the motor fishing boat Leander, with two men on board, was overdue. A squally W.S.W. wind was blowing, with a rough sea and rain squalls. Some time later it was re- ported that a boat answering to the Leander's description had been seen crossing the northern entrance to the Little Russel channel, and the motor life- boat Queen Victoria put out at 8.45 P.M.

She went to the north of the island and found the Leander at anchor about a quarter of a mile north-east of Fort Doyle. She had run out of petrol.

The two men, cold and soaked to the skin, were taken into the life-boat, and given refreshment. Then a life-boat- man was put on board the Leander, and the life-boat towed her to St. Peter Port. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 11.35 P.M.—Rewards, £12 18s..