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Income and Expenditure for 1933


Life-boats :— £ s. d. £ s. d.

New Life-boats for the following stations :—On account— Aberystwyth, Anstruther, Dungeness, Exmouth, Lizard, Llandudno, Longhope, Runswick, St. Ives, Shoreham, Skegness, Walmer, Weston-super Mare - 33,305 11 - Upkeep of Office and Store at Cowes - - - - 105 19 11 Alterations and Repairs of Life-boats, etc. - - - 11,196 5 6 Consulting Naval Architect ------ 296 10 - Salaries of Superintendent Engineer, Surveyors, Assistant Surveyors of Life-boats and Machinery, Draughtsmen, and Clerical Staff _______ 10,192 13 8 Travelling Expenses _______ 3,145 6 3 Pensions and Gratuity under the Pension Scheme - — 740 4 2 Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund - 239 13 6 — 59,222 4 - Life-boat Carriages and Tractors :— New Carriages, etc. _______ 2,534 46 j New Tractors, etc. _______ 1,155 8 3 1 Repairs to Tractors ------- 383 113 Alterations and Repairs of Life-boat Carriages, etc. - - 245 3 1 ; Salaries of Assistant Surveyor of Carriages, and Tractor j Engineer ________ 696 - - Travelling Expenses _______ 572 2 6 Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund - 34 10 - 5,620 19 7 Life-boat Houses and Slipways :— New Construction and Adaptation ----- 22,025 7 10 Repairs and Maintenance ______ 4,665 - 8 26,690 8 6 Life-boat Stores ________ 12,908 9 2 Life-boat Storeyard at Poplar, including Taxes, Insurance and Repairs --_-___- 2,401 7 11 Salaries of Superintendent of Stores, Storekeeper and Clerical Staff and Wages of Manual Workers - - 13,680 14 1 Pensions under the Pension Scheme - - - - 281 3 10 Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund - 94 9 6 16,457 15 4 Payments in connexion with Life-boat Stations, such as Repainting and other Small Repairs to Life-boats, Life- boat Carriages, and Life-boat Houses, done locally ; Con- veyance of Boats, Carriages and Stores ; Postages, etc. - 9,992 18 10 Salaries of Assistant Secretaries, etc., of Stations - - 308 16 - 10,301 14 10 Wages, Rewards and other payments to Coxswains, Motor Mechanics and Crews :— Cost of Wreck Services, including Rewards to Life-boat Crews and others, Special Rewards and Recognitions, Medals and Vellums ------- 5,318 9 1 Grants to men injured in the Life-boat service — — 344 4 — Fees of Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen, Wages of •Motor Mechanics, etc. ______ 30,091 5 3 Payments to Life-boat Crews and Launchers for exercises, etc. _________ 5,699 9 10 Pensions and Retiring Allowances to Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen __--___- 3,883 11 8 Pensions and Grants to Relatives of deceased Life-boatmen and others ________ 1,351 4 8 Pensions and Gratuity under the Pension Scheme to Ex-permanent Crews of old Steam Life-boats, etc. - 818 19 2 47,507 3 8 Carried forward ----- 178,708 15 1 Subscriptions, Donations, etc. : — £ s. d. £ s. d. General Subscriptions to Headquarters - 6,103 13 11 ,, „ through Station Branches - - 5,650 14 5 „ ,, through Financial Branches - - 17,096 6 10 ,, Donations to Headquarters - - - - - 4,622 3 8 „ ,, through Station Branches - - - 20,033 15 9 ,, „ through Financial Branches - - 45,772 2 2 Contributions from Harbour Authorities towards upkeep of Life-boat Stations ------- 1,835 11 - Contribution Boxes (Headquarters) - - — 186 2 9 ,, „ (Station Branches) - 4,037 16 4 ,, ,, (Financial Branches) - 792 19 8 • r 106,131 6 6 Life-boat Funds :— Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per H. A. Clark, Esq., I.S.O., in respect of the following Life-boat Establishments— Donaghadee, Margate, Southend-on-Sea, Walmer and Whitehills ________ Ryde Life-boat Disaster Fund, Balance - - - - North Deal—Bevan Reward Fund (per the Charity Com- missioners) - — _____ 1,204 16 - 789 5 2 208 5 - 2,202 6 2 Income from Investments :— Dividends and Interest on Investments - Less Income Tax deducted - - 40,988 4 4 6,077 8 2 34,910 16 2 Special Purposes Trust Fund Income - Account ______ 1,640 1 11 Less Transfer to Special Purposes and Maintenance Fund - - - 355 17 5 1,284 4 6 Less Transfer to General Subscriptions, Station Branch Contributions, and Financial Branch Contributions Income Tax recovered — — — — 226 18 4 — 1,057 6 2 - 7,741 19 5 —— 43,710 1 9 Carried forward 152,043 14 5- — EXPENDITURE.

d. £ s.

178,708 15 Life-boat Inspectors :— Salaries of Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspector, Inspectors of Life-boats and Clerical Staff - 6,604 2 3 Travelling Expenses _______ 2,249 2 9 Pensions under the Pension Scheme - - - _ 1,128 7 — Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund - 160 2 7 10,141 14 7 Administration:— One - half of Salaries of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Principal Clerk, Accountant and Clerical Staff -------- Rent, Leasehold Depreciation, Rates, Taxes, £ s. d.

Lighting, Heating,'Insurance, etc. _ - 1,971 4 2 Insurance under Workmen's Compensation, National Insurance and Unemployment Insurance Acts - _ — - - 847 2 4 Commissionaires and Watchman - - 549 17 6 Telephones, Postages and Parcels — — 814 10 4 Pensions under the Pension Scheme - _ 1,460 11 - 4,239 17 4 5,643 5 4 Publicity Less estimated amount chargeable to 2,821 12 8 224 12 5 - 2,821 12 8 - 1,591 6 4 288 1 8 315 - - 280 19 5 134 13 7 Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund - Stationery, Office Expenses, Printing Books, Circulars, Forms, etc. _______ Travelling Expenses to Headquarters—Committee of Management ________ Auditor's Fee ________ Law Expenses ________ Repairs and improvements to the House of the Institution 9,902 3 5 Call on Shares received from the Estate of the late Miss Sarah Berry ---__-__ 25 - - Expenses re the Estate of the late Mrs. F. McLorg - 50 - - Publicity at Headquarters and 1,133 Branches :—• One-half of Salaries of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assis- tant Secretary, Principal Clerk, Accountant and Clerical Staff, as above ; and Salary of Publicity Secretary, etc. 5,116 4 — Salaries of District Organizing Secretaries and Clerical Staff 7,448 6 3 Travelling Expenses of District Organizing Secretaries - 1,943 9 3 Annual General Meeting ______ 32 14 - Advertising and Appeals ______ 6,417 5 6 Stationery, Printing, Books, Circulars, Forms, Badges, Collecting Boxes, Postages, etc. _____ 10,420 12 5 Printing and Binding the Annual Report and The Life-boat Journal --------- 1,924 6 1 Pension under the Pension Scheme - - - - 17210- Salaries and Commissions of Assistant Secretaries, etc., of Branches ________ 4,155 14 5 Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund - 223 17 3 Estimated proportion of Administration Expenses as above 2,821 12 8 — 40,676 11 10 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ------- £239,504 4 11 Surplus transferred to General Purposes Fund - - 15,255 17 6 £254,760 2 5 INCOME.

£ s. d.

Brought forward _____ 152,043 14 5 Sundry Receipts :— Sale of old Life-boats, Life-boat Carriages, Life-boat Houses, £ s. d.

Condemned Stores, etc. -__--- 2,610 10 6 Sale of The Life-boat Journal, Advertisements, etc. - - 59 5 5 — 2,669 15 11 Ordinary Income ________ 154,713 10 4 Legacies for General Purposes _____ 71,342 13 5 Gifts and Legacies for Special Purposes :— Income only available :—• £ s. d.

Legacies ----__ 3,598 12 8 Special Gifts - 5,985 - - 9,583 12 8 Capital available :— Legacies _----- 37,173 15 - Special Gifts - - - - _ 22,102 3 - 59,275 18 - • 68,859 10 8 TOTAL RECEIPTS ___-__- 294,915 14 5 Less :— Transferred to General Endowment Fund - - 9,583 12 8 Transferred to Special Purposes and Maintenance Fund - 59,275 18 - Less Calls on Shares - - - 25 - - 59,250 18 - 68,834 10 8 Total Receipts available for General Purposes - 226,081 3 9 Transferred from Special Purposes and Maintenance Fund for Life- boats, etc., included in Expenditure, defrayed during the year by Special Legacies and Donations - - - - - - 28,678 18 8 £254,760 2 5 NOTE.—This account comprises the receipts and disbursements of the Headquarters of the Institution for the year to 31st December, 1933, and of the Branches for the year to 30th September, 1933..