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District Conferences

South-West of England.

AT this conference delegates from twenty-two branches and Ladies' Life- boat Guilds in Cornwall, Devonshire and Somerset met at Plymouth on the 22nd March. Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the committee of manage- ment, presided, supported by Lieut.- Colonel C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution, and the organizing secretary. The Mayor of Plymouth welcomed the delegates.

In the afternoon the delegates in- spected the Port of Plymouth motor life-boat Robert and Marcella Beck, which was launched. The delegates were then entertained to tea by the Mayor and Mayoress.


Delegates from sixty-three branches and Ladies' Life-boat Guilds attended this conference, which was held in Birmingham on the 23rd and 24th April. Lieut.-Colonel C. R. Satter- thwaite. O.B.E., secretary of the Institution, welcomed the delegates at the life-boat offices in Birmingham.

Afterwards they visited Bournville factory and garden suburb, where Messrs. Cadbury Bros, very kindly entertained them to luncheon and tea.

On the following day the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Birmingham welcomed the delegates and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the committee of management, presided over the con- ference, supported by Lieut.-Colonel Satterthwaite and the organizing secretary.

In the afternoon the delegates visited Warwick Castle, where they were received by the Countess of Warwick, patron of the Birmingham Ladies' Life- boat Guild. After a tour of the castle they were entertained to tea in the Shakespeare Room.

A conference in South Wales was held on the 29th May. A report of it will appear in the next issue..