On the llth January it was reported to the honorary secretary that the local motor fishing boat Cheerful had not returned from the fishing grounds when expected. A fresh S. to S.S.E. gale was blowing at the time, with a very heavy sea, and heavy rain showers. The motor life- boat Lady Jane and Martha Ryland was launched at 1.25 P.M., with the honorary secretary on board. She searched for some time without success, until she saw a group of people on the beach of the North Isle of Gletness, which is about five miles north of Lerwick. She went nearer and found the Cheerful at anchor about a hundred yards off shore. She had fouled her propeller with her lines at 7.30 A.M.
and dropped anchor. The anchor had parted, and another anchor had been dropped, but the boat had dragged to the place where the life-boat saw her.
The life-boat went to a sheltered part of Gletness Voe and picked up a local man to act as pilot, on account of the rocks. She then got a rope on board the Cheerful and towed her and her crew of four back to Lerwick. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 6 P.M.—Rewards, £10 19s. 6d..