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On the morn- ing of the 26th February the honorary secretary received a telephone message from the coastguard on watch at Cloughey that a small coasting steamer was aground on the rocks about four hundred yards east of Ballyquinton Point. The coastguard was of opinion that the life-boat should be sent out.

There was a rough sea, and a strong N.E. breeze, and although no distress signals had been made, the steamer was in a dangerous position, particularly as the tide was ebbing. The motor life- boat William Maynard was launched at 10.56 A.M., and found that the steamer was the Bangor, of Beaumaris, bound, with a cargo of Portland stone, for Belfast. Her crew did not wish to leave, but asked the life-boat to stand by. The life-boat stayed alongside all day. By 10.30 P.M. the crew of the steamer were no longer in danger, and the life-boat returned to her station, ar- riving at 11 P.M. - The Bangor was refloated next day, and beached at Ballycroman Bay for examination.— Rewards, £30 25. 6d..