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The S.S. Charles Jose

At 11.50 P.M. on the 17th December the Dartmouth coastguards reported that a steamer was ashore on Slapton Sands, in Start Bay.

A strong N.E. breeze was blowing, with a heavy sea, and visibility was poor.

The motor life-boat George Shee was launched at 12.15 A.M. on the 18th.

When she reached the steamer, which was the s.s. Charles Jose, of Antwerp, with eleven persons on board, she found that the Torcross life-saving apparatus company had got a line on board. The coxswain manoeuvred the life-boat alongside the steamer and hailed her, but the crew did not wish to leave in the life-boat. The captain's wife and the mate had already been hauled ashore by the life-saving appar- atus, and the remainder of the crew, excepting the captain, managed to get ashore in the ship's boat, although it was nearly capsized by the breakers, and was eventually stove in. The coastguard signalled to the coxswain that the captain was still on board, and the life-boat stood by all night. It was found in the morning that the captain did not need any help, and the George Shee returned to her station, arriving there at 9.30 A.M.—Rewards, £21 2s. Qd..