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The Sailing Trawler W. E. H.

On the morning of the 7th December the Lowestoft sailing trawler W.E.H. ran ashore on a sandbank formed at the North Pier extension, while returning from the fishing grounds. A whole E.N.E. gale was blowing and heavy seas broke over the trawler. The motor life-boat Agnes Cross put out at 6.7 A.M., dropped anchor, and veered down to the trawler.

Then a line was got on board and the life-boat manoeuvred under her stern, where her crew of five were clinging for their lives. Just then heavy seas washed the life-boat away from her, and knocked the trawler herself off the sandbank. She was leaking badly, but drifted along the bank, and eventually into harbour. The life-boat kept alongside until she was safe, and then returned to her station, arriving back at 7 A.M.—Rewards, £27 11s. 6d.

A few minutes later the coastguard telephoned that three motor fishing boats were in difficulties, and the life- boat put out for the second time at 7.6 A.M. She found the local motor fishing boat Marjorie about three and a half miles south of the harbour. A whole E.N.E. gale was blowing, and the Marjorie was shipping some heavy seas. The life-boat got-on her weather side and escorted her safely over the sands and the dangerous harbour bar.

She reached her station again at 8 A.M.

—Rewards, £20 18s. 6d..