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The Fishing Boats, Mizpah and Norseman

Two local motor fishing boats, Mizpah and Norse- man, put to sea early on the morning of 1 st December. Later a strong southerly breeze sprang up, reaching gale force in squalls, and a rough sea, with broken water, was running across the harbour mouth. This made entry into harbour very dangerous, and it was thought advisable to send out the pulling and sailing life-boat Moss to see the boats safely home. She was launched at 11 A.M., and going to the harbour mouth, stood by while the Mizpah got safely in. She waited for some time for the other boat, but returned to her station when it was learned that she had made for Stonehaven. The life-boat reached her station at 12.20 P.M.—Rewards, £17 195. 6d..