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Shoreboat Services. For Which Rewards Were Given at the November, December and January Meetings of the Committee of Management

For which Rewards were given at the November, December and January Meetings of the Committee of Management.

Blackpool, Lancashire.—During the afternoon of the 25th July two men were out in a small boat attending on people bathing from their private bathing establishment. Other people, who were not their clients, were bathing about two hundred yards away, and five of these got into difficulties. The two men went to their help. They first picked up two men who were clinging to a life-belt and then rescued three other men who were clinging to the pier. This they did at considerable risk, as the water was deep, a surf was breaking, and the strong ebb tide was driving their boat on to the piles of the pier.—Rewards, £l, and inscribed copies of the life-boat book Launch to each of the two rescuers, Edwin Smith and William Hardman.

Poole, Dorset.—On the night of the 24th-25th September a small sailing boat capsized near the Old Harry Rocks. One of the crew of three swam for the shore, reached Sandbanks at about 2 A.M., after having been several hours in the water, and reported that he had left his friends clinging to the boat. The Swanage and the Poole and Bournemouth life-boats put out (see The Life-boat for November, 1933) and also several motor boats. The search was unsuccessful. The boat and her sail were picked up, but there was no sign of the two men. The motor boats were manned by Mr. Tom Davis, Mr.

Gus Paine, Mr. Churchill, Commander Euman, R.N., the harbour-master at Poole, and Pilots G. and W. Brown.— Rewards, letters of thanks to the men named ; expenses, 10s.

Penarth, Glamorganshire.—At 4 P.M.

on the llth October William W. Jones, boatman to the Penarth Yacht Club, and his son Kenneth, put out in an outboard motor boat to the help of two men in an open pulling boat which was in difficulties. A strong westerly wind was blowing with a moderately rough sea. The boat was about a mile off shore, in a sinking condition, and drifting on the flood tide. At consider- able risk to themselves the boatman and his son rescued the two men by towing their boat ashore, while they bailed.—Rewards, letters of thanks and inscribed copies of the life-boat book Launch to each of the two rescuers.

Poole, Dorset.—A reward of £l 17s. 6d.

was made to each of six men who went out in two motor boats to the help of the yacht Glen Cora on 5th December. This was the same reward as given to the crew of the life-boat which rescued the two men on board the yacht.—Rewards, £11 5s. (A full account of this service will be found on page 213.).