Lady Ann, of Derby
LADY AXN, J.P., of Derby, who died on 17th January, at the age of eighty, had been a very great friend of the life-boat service for many years. She started her work for it in 1898, in the days of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, and in 1911, when the fund was taken over by the Institution, she received the Institution's thanks inscribed on vellum. She then became the president of the ladies' auxiliary in Derby, and later president of the Derby branch itself. In 1920 she was presented with a silver inkstand, and in 1924, the Institution's centenary year, she was appointed an honorary life governor, the highest honour which the Institu- tion can bestow on one of its honorary workers. In spite of ill-health she continued her life-boat M'ork to the end. She found time for it in the midst of much other public work, not only for other charities, but for the town of Derby itself. She was appointed a justice of the peace in 1920 and was twice Mayoress..