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Golf Competition

IN 1933, for the third tune, an appeal was made to golf clubs to hold a com- petition in aid of the life-boat service.

In 1931 it was made to the principal clubs in Kent, Surrey and Sussex; in 1932 to the principal clubs in England, Scotland and Wales; and in 1933 to the principal clubs in England, Scot- land, Wales and Ireland. In 1931 six clubs held competitions, the entrance fees, which were given to the Insti- tution, amounting to £35 11s. 6d. In 1932, twenty-two clubs took part, the entrance fees amounting to £68 5s. 6d.

In 1933 the number of clubs was forty- three and the amount received was £145 9s. This increase in the number of clubs was almost entirely due to Ireland. The largest amount received was from an Irish club, £12 7s. 6d.

from the Galway Golf Club, and the next largest was £11 Is. 6d. from the Purley Downs Golf Club, which has held a competition in each of the three years and by so doing has contributed £35 4s. 6d.

The Institution has written to clubs asking if they will hold life-boat com- petitions in 1934 and again offering to give a silver and enamel spoon as prize, or two spoons if a foursomes competi- tion is held. The entrance fee, it is again suggested, should be five shillings or half a crown. It is hoped also that branches will approach their local clubs, and that readers of The Life-boat who are golfers will suggest a life-boat com- petition to their own clubs..