Advanced search

B.S. Colling

Several fish- ing boats and cobles put out early on the morning of the 24th November, but a strong sea got up and they all returned, except two boats and a coble.

The life-boat crew stood by all the morning and at 1 P.M. the two boats returned. By this time the sea had got worse, and the motor life-boat Herbert, Joy II was launched at 1.40 P.M. to search for the coble. A strong N.E.

breeze was blowing, and it was raining.

The life-boat found the coble, the B. S. Colling, about two miles off in a north-easterly direction. While the life-boat was escorting her back to harbour the coble shipped a heavy sea.

and her crew had to man the pumps all the way home. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 2.15 P.M.—Re- wards, £20 8s. 6d..