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Wild Rose

About midday on the 13th July a telephone message was received from the Foreland light- house that a small boat was in distress off the Foreland. A strong and in- creasing W.S.W. breeze was blowing, and a rough sea was getting up. The pulling and sailing life-boat Prichard Frederick Gainer was launched at 12.45 P.M., and found the outboard motor boat Wild Rose, of Lynmouth, in a dangerous position, with her engine broken down. A man and a woman were on board. They were taken into the life-boat and the motor boat was taken in tow. By this time the wind had risen considerably, and several seas broke on board the life-boat during the journey home. She arrived back at her station at 2.10 P.M.—Rewards, £14 6s. 6d..