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To the President, from the Gold Coast

SOME years ago reference was made in The Life-boat to letters which had been received from the Gold Coast, in one of which the writer, evidently under the impression that the Institution was a general stores, asked for its catalogues, and samples of "clothes, beads, buttons, silk thread, whistles for scout-boys and bottles of lovender." This was fol- lowed by another letter from a Roman Catholic Mission School asking for " a general illustrated catalongue, sample, etc." This misunderstanding about the Institution was put right, with the re- sult that the next letter from the Gold Coast was addressed to the Institution as " the best dealers in Life-boat Service in the City of London," and asked for " complete cost for subscrip- tion to enable me to subscribe to same." For some years the Gold Coast has been silent, but the following letter has now been received from Mr. E. R.

Quansah, addressed to the President of the Institution : "Sm, " By the Universe of June 23rd I came across your name and address. And being interested in fishing industry, I seize the opportunity of applying to you as Master of the Fishing Fleets. For all necessary hints about fishing. (1) To be- come a subscriber if there is any fishing newspaper. (2) To order for some, if there is any fishing books, showing the best seasons, hours or days for fishing through each year, such as for 1934 and so on.

(3) A Chart or Picture of fishes, with their names, just to order for some to know the different fishes by their names. (4) Books showing how to smoke or dry them to avoid worms. (5) The different useful nets, for each season of the year. I shall thank you for one only of your fishing Almanacs or Calendar for 1934, if you use any.

" Wishing you all success throughout this and the next year—" As the Institution cannot pretend to the intimate knowledge of the fishing industry required to answer this letter, and as it feels that the Prince of Wales, although Master of the Fishing Fleets, can hardly be asked to deal with the matter personally, Mr. Quansah has been given the name of the principal fishing paper, and been advised to apply to it for the information he wants..