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The Lady Betty

On the 17th August the Foreland coastguard telephoned that a dinghy, with one man on board, had capsized near Ledge buoy. The motor life-boat Langham was just about to be launched when the man swam ashore. At the same time the coastguard telephoned again to say that a motor boat was in distress about one and a half miles off Horse Sands fort. The life-boat left at 2.45 P.M. in a moderate but squally S.W. by W. gale, with a very heavy sea. The motor boat was the Lady Betty, of Sea View, with one man aboard. She was towed safely back to Sea View and the life-boat arrived back at her station at 6 P.M. The man thanked the Institution and sent a donation.—Rewards, £6 10*. 6d..