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Miss Torbay

On the night of the 13th August the coast watcher at Babbacombe reported that a speed-boat was in difficulties, close to the shore, between Babbacombe and Anstey's Cove, Torquay. The east wind was very right, but a very strong easterly lop was running, and a fork lightning storm was raging. The motor life-boat George Shee was launched at 10.35 P.M., and eventually found the speed-boat Miss Torbay, of Torquay, in a very dangerous position, about one hundred yards off the rocks on a lee shore. She was anchored with a slender rope cable, but the anchor was dragging. She had been on a pleasure trip, carrying five men and two women, from Torquay to Babbacombe. but had had engine trouble while making the return journey. The two women and one of the men had already been rescued by a boat from Babbacombe. The remain- ing four men were taken into the life- boat, and the Miss Torbay was towed into Babbacombe. Mr. H. M. Smardon, the honorary secretary, accompanied the life-boat on the service, which lasted for three hours.—Property Sal- vage Case. (An account of the Sh0re- boat Service appears on page 168.).