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Life-Boat Exhibition at Watford

A LIFE-BOAT exhibition was held at Watford, Herts, from 2nd October to 9th October as the principal part of a life-boat week, organized by the new honorary secretary of the branch, Mr.

H. Mellon, M.R.T.S. The exhibition was held at the Technical and Art School. In arranging the week Mr.

Mellon had the personal support and help of the Mayor and Council of Watford, the Education Committee, the Fire Brigade, a number of shops which showed life-boat models in their windows, and the Unemployed Social Centre, members of which were at the exhibition throughout the week to help the Institution's attendants.

Visits of School Children.

The exhibits were, with a few excep- tions, the same as those shown at the Charing Cross Underground Station in May and June, of which an account was given in the last issue of The Life-boat.

Besides many members of the general public, and men from the engineering works in Watford, large numbers of school children, in specially organized parties, came to see the exhibition.

During the week a meeting was held at which the chair was taken by the chairman of the Watford Higher Education Sub-Committee, supported by the Mayor, Sir Dennis Herbert, K.B.E., the member of Parliament for Watford, and aldermen and councillors.

At this meeting an address was given by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., the chair- man of the Institution, and the address was followed by a lantern lecture.

Display of Life-boat Maroons.

The week concluded on the Saturday with a life-boat day and in the evening a display of life-boat maroons and flares, in which the Institution had the help of the Watford Fire Brigade. The display was given in Cassiobury Park and was attended by some 20,000 people. Shortly after the week a meeting of the branch was held at which the results of .the week were discussed. An address on the work of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was given by Miss Ethel Hopkins, B.A., honorary secretary of the Women's Auxiliary in Folkestone, and it was decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild in Watford.

The gross proceeds of the week were over £190, of which by far the greater part was collected on life-boat day, more than six times the sum contri- buted by Watford during 1932..