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Charity from the Workless

THE sum of £250,000 which the Institution needs each year to maintain the life-boat service works out at five farthings per head of the population of the British Isles. In a number of its appeals the Institution has been asking for this sum. There have been many responses. Here is one of them : " Enclosed please find 6d. in stamps, i.e., 5 farthings from each of us, and Id. over for the card which you may perhaps send as a receipt. I am very sorry I can't send more, but we have been without a proper job for nearly six years, and I like to give a little money to our hospital, and, of course, Poppy Day is nearly here again, so a little money has to be spread out to try to give a bit to several. Many regrets that I can't spend more on your excellent fund.".