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Awards to Honorary Workers

Honorary Life-Governor.

Lieut.-Commander HENDRIK DE BOOY has been appointed an honorary life-governor of-the Institution in recognition of his eminent services to the cause of life-saving at sea during the period of twenty-seven years in which he was secretary of the North and South Holland Life-boat Society.

Thanks of the Institution on Vellum.

The THANKS OF THE INSTITUTION, INSCRIBED ON VELLUM, has been awarded to the following :— To Mr. MURDO GRANT, on his retirement, after 19 years as honorary secretary of the Cromarty branch.

To Mrs. HUTCHINGS, widow of the late Captain E. P. Hutchings, who served for 9J years as honorary secretary of the Padstow branch, the vellum which would have been presented to him on his re- tirement.

Binocular Glass.

The BINOCULAR GLASS, inscribed, has been awarded to Captain GEORGE SHEARER, for his long and valuable co-operation at Thurso, particularly as honorary shore signalman, from which post he has retired after 12 years' service.

Life-boat Pictures.

The FRAMED LIFE-BOAT PICTURE has been awarded to the following :— MR. GEORGE J. JELL, life-boat worker, Dungeness branch.

Miss DOROTHY F. WHITE, life-boat worker, at Instow (Appledore branch).

Mrs. J. SBOTTON WILSON, life-boat worker, Sunderland branch.

Record of Thanks.

The RECORD OF THANKS has been awarded to Mr. F. L. NICHOLAS, honorary treasurer, Newquay (Cornwall)..