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A Travelling Life-Boat Tableau

A TRAVELLING waxwork exhibition has been arranged by Mr. Louis Tussaud, of the famous waxwork show, and Mr.

Tussaud has included in it a life-boat tableau. He has also kindly agreed that the Institution's collecting boxes shall be placed by the tableau. The exhibition opened" in London at the Crystal Palace in July. During this year it is visiting Birmingham, Liver- pool, Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester.

Next year it has already been arranged for it to visit Glasgow, Newcastle, Hull, Cardiff, Bristol, Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Wolverhampton, Coventry and Northampton.

At all these places the life-boat col- lecting boxes will be at the exhibition.

All who see the life-boat tableau will have an opportunity of contributing, and in each case the money so received will go to the branch..