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A Rowing Boat

Two visitors put out from St. Mary's at noon on the 27th August to row between the islands.

They did not return, and at 8.55 P.M.

the coastguard telephoned that they had left Bryher about 7.30 P.M., and had been last seen off Sampson, not making much headway. An in- creasing strong breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea and patches of rain and fog. In these circumstances it was thought advisable to send out the motor life-boat Cunard to look for the boat before darkness fell. The Cunard left at 9.5 P.M. and eventually found the boat in the St. Mary's roadstead.

She rescued the two people and took them ashore, returning to her station at 10 P.M. A donation was received by the branch from one of the rescued.

—Rewards, £11 10s..