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Two Canoes

At 1.5 P.M. on the 21st June the coxswain was told by the coastguard that two canoes were in difficulties in Kessingland Bay, about two and a half miles S.S.W. of the south pier. A moderate southerly gale was blowing with a heavy sea. The motor life-boat Agnes Cross was launched at 1.18 P.M. and found that one canoe had been stove in by the sea, and the occupant, a young German, was hang- ing on to the outside of the other canoe, the occupant of which was a German girl, who had set out from London with the intention of canoeing round the British Isles. They were both taken into the life-boat, together with the girl's dog, and the man, who was in a condition of collapse, was given stimu- lants. The canoes were then taken on board and the life-boat returned to harbour, eventually reaching her station at 2 P.M.- -Rewards, £16 7*. 6d..